Is Your Service Up to Snuff?

Disney has made headlines recently with its plans to reopen parts of its flagship theme park in Orlando, Florida in just a few weeks. (The Shanghai location opened on June 16, and the California location may follow suit later this summer.) A Disney vacation may look different for the foreseeable future, but the company has a leg up over much of its competition. After all, Disney has spent decades exceeding expectations by attending to every detail that shapes the customer experience.

Behind the Disney magic is a guiding ideal the company calls Quality Service. Quality Service means attending to every detail of product and service delivery—and it’s a model that other companies can use to articulate their service standards.

Establishing quality standards helps organizations define and prioritize the actions needed to achieve their purpose, especially in times of upheaval. At Disney, safety has always been a quality standard. For example, the company has always placed the safety of theme park guests over the speed at which they board an attraction.

Since every professional is in the customer service business (at least to some degree), the company’s professional development arm, the Disney Institute, has been training people from businesses, nonprofits, and government in its Quality Service methods since 1996. Ready to adapt Disney’s customer service strategies for your own purposes? Be Our Guest!

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