Is democracy dying?

The threats to US democracy have never been more real, according to Harvard political science professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. Their latest work explores the Republican Party’s deviation from democratic norms, particularly during Donald Trump’s presidency. Is There a Fix? According to Levitsky and Ziblatt, the United States needs to reform its institutions to […]

How serious is the nuclear threat?

What would happen if a nuclear missile were launched toward the United States? The short answer is: nothing good. The longer answer is explored by Pulitzer finalist Annie Jacobsen in Nuclear War, where she describes a scenario based on her extensive interviews with experts and government officials. Living on the Edge The nuclear winter that Jacobsen […]

Hazing has gotten way worse

When young journalist Max Marshall began investigating a college fraternity in Charleston, South Carolina, he expected to uncover run-of-the-mill substance abuse and drug deals. Instead, he uncovered a murder — and a multimillion dollar drug operation. Exactly what is going on with the kids these days? Hell Week Consider the context these kids operate in, […]

Trump 2.0

Donald Trump’s influence has led to an increase in far-right figures who have gained mainstream acceptance. Moderate politicians are being threatened or driven out of the Republican Party by pro-Trump forces, leaving few dissenters in office. Miles Taylor, who was chief of staff of the Department of Homeland Security under Trump, sees this as a […]

The poor get poorer

The United States is one of the world’s wealthiest countries. But millions of people there live without basic necessities and struggle to make ends meet. Progress in reducing poverty has stagnated over the last 50 years despite advancements in science and tech. Why? Subsidizing the Rich The American welfare state is skewed towards benefitting the […]

Who framed Michael Skakel?

No one wants to believe that a wrongful conviction could happen to them. But Michael Skakel was not only convicted for a murder he didn’t commit — also his trial and imprisonment happened 25 years after the crime. In Framed, presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes the plight of his cousin Michael, who spent 11 […]

Five Tools Used by Highly Effective People

What does it take to reach peak productivity? Hint: the key is to work smarter, not harder. Highly effective people are always looking for new ways to sharpen old skills, learn new tricks, and streamline processes—without compromising quality. Here are five essential tools to help you get better, faster: Tool #1: The Ultimate Lifehack Many […]

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