What Is Stephen King’s Secret?

Horror writer Stephen King likes to compare writing to telepathy. When you read a book or watch a movie, you are seeing it through your eyes, but also through the writer’s eyes. It’s a meeting of the minds.

King first learned this principle in childhood. One year, as a kid with a terrible ear infection, he missed many days of school. King spent a lot of time at home that year digging into tall stacks of books. Eventually, he started making up his own stories.

Even as a young person, King felt an immense sense of possibility about the idea of writing. It seemed like a form of magic.

While King is now one of the most successful writers in the world, he knows that writing isn’t really about making money, getting famous, or making friends. It’s about enriching the lives of those who will read his work—and enriching his own life, too.

To learn more about King’s process and his tips for writers of all skill levels, check out our new Instaread On Writing.

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