How to Handle Intense Pressure

Pressure is everywhere, and we often have little control over the circumstances that cause it. What we can control is how we react. Have you ever shut down, panicked, or started behaving aggressively under pressure? That’s textbook behavior, but there is a better way.

When we’re under stress, it’s easy for our minds to switch from a state that is helpful to one that is not. With practice, we can learn to cultivate the helpful state.

One technique to try takes its cue from the sports world, specifically the incredibly successful All Blacks rugby team. They intensify training so they’ll be in peak form when the pressure’s on. With repetition, performance becomes more automatic, which makes it easier to stay on task. You’ll focus less on the things you can’t control and more on the things you can.

To build mental toughness and resilience, we all need basic psychological training. Learn how to handle your feelings and perform better with our Instaread on Legacy.

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