The Predator Inside

We each contain multitudes.

Delving deep into the magic of old stories, Clarissa Pinkola Estés taps into the eternal wisdom of global fairy tales. She examines world literature and oral traditions in her bestselling book exploring feminine archetypes.

“Wild women,” as Estés calls the characters from these stories, are a lot like wolves—instinctive, passionate, and filled with ageless wisdom. Wild women listen to their guts and ignore the demands of polite society. They refuse to be civilized.

But wild women also have a dark side. “Wild” means natural, but it can also connote out of control or destructive. We ignore these deeper, darker levels of womanhood at our peril.

Old stories are powerful tools to understand our modern lives. Head over to the Instaread library and dig deep into the dark side with Women Who Run with the Wolves.

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