How to find answers faster

As a leader or a leader-in-training, you’re already taking proactive steps to identify most problems before they happen. But let’s face it: no one can prevent every issue. So you also need to make sure that your problem-solving skills stay sharp.

Speed and agility are two of the secrets to effective problem solving. Instead of spending too much time perfecting a particular solution, just take action as soon as you come up with a plan, however rudimentary. You can always adjust or switch course along the way.

Another secret of professional problem solvers is to seek help early and often. Leaders who consult their team members in a bind have better relationships with their people. And getting help from diverse sources is a surefire way to increase efficiency.

Remember, every problem-solving experience contains a lesson. Consider every challenge, no matter its size, an opportunity for personal growth. For more on how to map out your path to leadership, visit our Instaread on Developing the Leader Within You 2.0.

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