Next Steps for the United States

The presidential election in the United States has made one thing very clear: the country’s political divide is even deeper than it was in 2016.

What is the best way forward for Americans who want to work together? Veteran journalist Dan Rather argues that it requires honestly confronting what is wrong with the nation and its government.

In What Unites Us, Rather writes about the difference between “patriotism” and “nationalism,” which are concepts that people frequently confuse. Nationalism is a monologue in which people place their country in a position of moral and cultural supremacy over others. Patriotism is a dialogue with fellow citizens about how the country can be improved.

Patriotism—active, constructive patriotism—requires hard work. It takes engagement with those who are different than you. And it requires coming together across political divides, uniting for good causes.

For more insight into the political situation in the United States, check out our Instaread on What Unites Us.

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