Turn Your Year Around

A little more than halfway through 2020, it’s safe to say that for most of us, this hasn’t been a banner year for personal goal-setting and productivity. Take heart: challenging circumstances can be an incredible source of personal and professional growth. Using motivational speaker Michael Hyatt’s five-step plan for goal-setting, you can reset your expectations for the rest of the year.

1. Take a close look at your most entrenched habits, and change them if necessary. This examination should include habits of thought, which shape the way we experience the world. Self-doubt, for instance, can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, so it’s better to approach each day with optimism and confidence.

2. Resolve any feelings of failure or frustration. We’ve all had setbacks this year, and these experiences can be mined for valuable information. Which outcomes fell beneath your expectations, and why? And how can you correct any lingering problems?

3. Set new goals. Formulate a specific set of goals and write them down. Include a mix of one-time goals (like buying a car) with long-term lifestyle changes (like maintaining a healthy weight).

4. Reflect upon the motivations that drive you. Some people may be more motivated by accountability, while others may be driven by competition. How can you leverage your motivators to optimize your habits and reach your goals?

5. Get ready to execute. Starting work on a new goal is often the most difficult step, but you’ll build momentum as progress is made. Daily task lists can help you break down big projects into manageable chunks.

There’s still more than five months left in 2020. And no matter what challenges and disappointments this year has thrown at you, there’s still time to make it Your Best Year Ever.

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