Unzip Your Deepest Desires

Sigmund Freud’s influence in the field of psychology is perhaps only matched by his power over the popular imagination. But Freud’s theories have been around for so long that it’s hard to separate what he said from how it’s been interpreted over the last century. Is a cigar ever really a cigar? Get back to basics with our Instaread on DREAM PSCYHOLOGY. Here are two top insights from our latest release:

Key Insight 1: The content of dreams must be analyzed in order to be properly understood. Dream theory holds that most adults’ dreams aren’t easily intelligible. To truly understand a dream’s significance, it’s often necessary to move past a superficial reading. Dreams are not direct in the manner of news items; their style is typically more ambiguous, surreal, and poetic. Generally, when details of a dream are puzzling or the plot seems incoherent, it’s likely that those details are encrypted with secret meaning.

Key Insight 2: The main purpose of dreams is to fulfill wishes. Many wishes are left unfulfilled, for any number of reasons. Sometimes those wishes are consciously known, and other times they are a well-kept secret, even from the person who nurtures the wish beneath conscious notice. In fulfilling a given wish, a dream effectively resolves it or helps bring it to the front of the dreamer’s conscious awareness, where it can be resolved later.

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