You can get even or find happiness

As a prisoner in the Death March from Auschwitz, Eddie Jaku escaped by hiding in a drainage pipe under a road. He survived on his own for several days, sleeping in caves and eating raw slugs and snails, until he got sick from drinking poisoned water. By the time he was found by American soldiers, he was on the brink of death; at the hospital, he was diagnosed with cholera and typhoid.

He survived. But could he thrive?

The Best Revenge

After his recovery, Jaku found it hard to adjust to his newfound freedom. He was haunted by the knowledge that many of his fellow citizens had collaborated with the Nazis. Once, he crossed paths with a kapo from his concentration camp who had never been punished for collaborating with the Nazis. But he decided the only revenge he was interested in was becoming the happiest man on Earth. Learn about Jaku’s painful and inspiring journey in our Instaread on The Happiest Man on Earth.

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