Don’t be Your Own Worst Enemy

Everyone has a story. Today’s Instaread summary will change the way you conceptualize and tell that story, to yourself and to other people in the world.

In Choose Your Story, Change Your Life, storyteller and keynote speaker Kindra Hall explains what stories are, explores their power, and details how you can rewrite the bad ones into better ones that will impact your life positively. 

How to Talk to Yourself

Self-stories—the little voice in our heads—are habits of mind that help us solve problems, motivate ourselves, and reflect. These stories even help us make sense of the world. However, sometimes they make us settle for the safe version of life rather than the more risky but promising version. This makes it much harder to live our best lives. 

Stories have a physical effect on the brain, both through the hormones released, such as the love hormone oxytocin, and through training the brain via visualization. Telling yourself stories of who you want to be can greatly impact your brain’s abilities, and therefore your future. Don’t underestimate this power!

Tales of TransformationStorytelling is also important in all aspects of business, including marketing, sales, leadership, and personal branding. We don’t have much control over the stories that other people tell about us, but we all spend a lot of time thinking about what other people think about us. Instead, try to shift your focus towards the stories you tell yourself and others, especially the ones that drive and advance your professional aspirations. 

Throughout your life, you will receive a lot of feedback. It can be both constructive and hurtful. It is important to note how you take criticism, as this can also be a story that needs improvement. If you are told, for example, that you need to be a better team member, it may mean that you were not used to succeeding as a team as a kid, but rather on your own. Always think of feedback as a self-story catching tool.

About the Author

Kindra Hall is a sought-after keynote speaker who helps people and companies communicate better through strategic storytelling. She first realized the power of stories when she was a teacher trying to get an elementary school class to listen, and now shares stories of inspiring people in Success magazine and on her podcast.

Read our full summary of Choose Your Story, Change Your Life . . .

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