If you’re just starting out, financial freedom may seem like an impossible dream. Our latest Instaread, which is designed for people in their 20s and 30s (or anyone who needs to make a fresh start), can help launch your financial security.
The number one priority, especially for people in the United States, is to purchase health insurance. Once that’s covered, set aside a few months of living expenses. These two steps will help prevent financial disaster in case of an emergency.
After that, your next step is to save, save, save. A relatively painless way to start is to arrange for 15 percent of your monthly income to automatically transfer into a savings account.
That’s it! It may seem basic, but these three steps will put you well on your way to building a lifestyle that’s financially secure. For more on how to handle debt, investments, and mortgages, visit our Instaread on Get a Financial Life.