Are Americans in Denial?

Bestselling author and psychologist Mary L. Trump is Donald Trump’s niece—and one of his most outspoken critics. 

In her new book The Reckoning, Ms. Trump examines the societal traumas that have been imprinted on the American psyche. From the history of slavery and racism to her uncle’s presidency, society’s collective forgetting has corrupted the country. It has been all too easy for people to turn a blind eye to the trauma that the nation has experienced.

But forgetting doesn’t help people move on. Healing requires an examination of the difficult history that molded the country. Moreover, it requires accountability. Shining a light on the actions of people in power helps society bounce back and move on to better days. 

As the traumas inflicted by the pandemic hopefully draw to a conclusion, Americans will be all too ready to move on. That’s understandable, because COVID has laid a heavy weight on everyone’s shoulders. But according to Ms. Trump, there can be no progress without a firm accounting of the mistakes that have been made. 

Learn more about The Reckoning in the Instaread app. 

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