You’re Being Watched

Every second of every day, big companies are spying on you (and everyone else). 

They know where you live, what you purchase, and who you care about. They know your address and your search engine history. And they’re getting better at influencing your behavior, based on what they know about your past.

Unfortunately, it will likely get worse before it gets better. Tech giants and corporations have been exploiting our online data for years, creating an economy in which they traffic in our most intimate details for money and power. This trade in private data is terrible for society—and it’s time that we take back control.

Here’s where to start: Recognize that you represent one of the biggest threats to your own privacy. The next time you share something online, think twice before posting. In general, the less you share on social media, the better. 

Learn more about how to reclaim your privacy with our Instaread on Privacy Is Power

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