Give Your Brain a Boost

Need a quick mood booster? Research shows that people are happiest when they’re surrounded by living plants and verdant colors.

Spending time in nature activates positive pathways in your brain, rather than allowing it to focus on upsetting experiences. Outdoor exercise increases creativity, provides stress relief, and restores energy.

Going outside for small amounts of time can lead to health benefits, even for urban dwellers who can only access nature in the form of city parks. A short walk that lasts a quarter of an hour can boost your mood, help you think more clearly, and improve your immune system.

Even when you can’t go outside, indirect exposure to sunlight can be beneficial. Studies have shown that hospital patients recover more rapidly when they have access to a window, for instance. And any indoor space will benefit from a selection of live greenery.

For more tips on how to get The Nature Fix, check out today’s featured Instaread.

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