The Art of Customer Service

A lot of experts talk about how important it is to provide good customer service. But a single extraordinary experience where customer service goes above and beyond does not guarantee continued patronage.

The truth is that most consumers don’t need stellar customer service. They just want to achieve their desired outcome with as little effort as possible. The more you decrease the amount of effort they must expend, the more likely customers are to stay loyal.

In your own customer service work or in training other agents, forget about charm. Instead, focus on creating a frictionless process by which customers can purchase products and services without encountering problems. Create self-service options on your website and create in-an app features to help customers resolve common issues. And if a customer needs to call or email about a problem, make sure the process is as quick and painless as possible.

We break down the basics of how to create a frictionless experience for your customers in our Instaread on The Effortless Experience. It’s available now in the app.

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