The Truth About Diabetes

A dietary disease requires a dietary cure.

This principle is the foundation of The Diabetes Code, Dr. Jason Fung’s natural strategy for combining nutrition and intermittent fasting to address Type 2 diabetes.

More than 90 percent of diabetes cases worldwide are Type 2, which is characterized by insulin resistance. When left unchecked, diabetes can wreak havoc on every single bodily system, paving the way for stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

Fortunately, there is an easy and natural solution, according to Dr. Fung. Cutting out refined sugar and limiting carbs can help to immediately lower insulin levels and alleviate insulin resistance. And regular, intermittent fasting helps the body burn off glucose. People who combine these two strategies are likely to lose more weight and have more energy.

The slow progression of Type 2 diabetes means that most people become accustomed to their bodies working harder to absorb glucose. Don’t let diabetes sneak up on you. Learn how to resist your next sugar fix with our Instaread on The Diabetes Code.

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