Make the Right Choice

Obstacles are a natural part of life. But most of us have faced a lot more challenges than usual in 2020. Is there any value that we can try to find in recent hardships?

Motivational speaker Gabrielle Bernstein says we have an important choice. When we encounter difficulties, we can embrace the challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow, or ignore the lesson and be doomed to repeat a similar scenario at a later time.

Challenges should be regarded as spiritual assignments, Bernstein says. For those on a spiritual path, embracing difficulty will be enriching and rewarding in the long run, regardless of short-term discomfort.

One trick Bernstein recommends is trying a simple mantra. This can be a simple sentence, such as I welcome creative solutions to my problems. A positive outlook can open the door to a beneficial solution.

Staying engaged and cultivating personal growth can be a challenge for people who view hardship in a purely negative light. Choose the right path with our Instaread on The Universe Has Your Back.

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