History Tug-of-War: Rebellion Unveiled 🌟

Unlock the power struggle between liberalism and antiliberalism in American history with Robert Kagan’s “Rebellion.” This compelling exploration delves into the dual traditions birthed by the American Revolution—radical liberal ideals and conservative counterforces. Journey through pivotal moments from the Civil War to the civil rights era, uncovering the deep-seated roots of white supremacy, religious intolerance, and nativism. 

Kagan exposes the erosion of liberalism’s once-perceived inevitability, questioning the current status quo and the radicalization within the Republican Party. As he warns of democracy’s fragile state, “Rebellion” makes a chilling case for vigilant guardianship of our values. Rich with historical insight, this book is essential for understanding the complex dynamics that continue to shape American politics. Don’t miss out on this profound read!

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