Expand Your Brand

There’s more to life than LinkedIn.

If you’re thinking about transitioning into a new career or even entrepreneurship, employment-focused websites can be great. But don’t overlook social media platforms as a resource to build contacts and expand your audience. Your followers on social media can help you generate influence, find business opportunities that line up with your personal passions, and discover a rewarding sense of community.

If you haven’t yet cultivated much status on websites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram, start by thinking about which platform best suits your interests and skills. For example, an artisan might want to show off their goods with beautiful photos on Instagram. That person should focus on building an audience there first, then expand to other social media platforms.

Growing your influence in the digital age doesn’t require a full-time commitment. Instead, a successful and influential brand can be built after hours, in the evenings, or on the weekends.

With social media resources so readily available to anyone with internet access, there’s no reason to remain trapped in a soul-sucking job. Check out our featured Instaread and you’ll be Crushing It! in no time.

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