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Why Wokeness Doesn’t Work

Wokeness doesn’t work. At least that’s the opinion of political commentator Douglas Murray. Murray’s belief is that society’s growing awareness of people’s differences has led to more problems than solutions. This relentless emphasis on difference has led to a worthless consideration of injustice without any action to help people overcome it. Groups that people have tried to form […]

Are Colleges Just Social Justice Camps?

US college campuses are in a disastrous state, according to outspoken conservative commentator Candace Owens. In Blackout, Owens’s diatribe against the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter, feminism, and other political movements, she also finds time to criticize the state of higher education. We live in a hyper-racialized culture that undermines meaningful racial harmony, Owens says. Those who […]

You Need this to Succeed

2020 has driven home the lesson that life is full of circumstances that are beyond our control. But we can always control the attitude we take towards our circumstances. In You Can Win, self-help author Shiv Khera argues that attitude is an important element of finding success. Your mindset is a powerful tool that shapes how […]

How to Be a Player

Perhaps you’re familiar with the board game Monopoly, where you can purchase premium properties like Boardwalk and Park Place, or build a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. The objective of the game is to acquire as many properties as possible, so that you can bankrupt your opponents by charging steep rents. In the real world, of […]

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