Does your workplace have talent density? According to Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, talent density is when innovative workplaces with highly skilled people collaborate effectively. When talent density is high, people devote more energy to their jobs, and work harder to make the company succeed. Talent density can be diluted when one or more […]
Why Wokeness Doesn’t Work
Wokeness doesn’t work. At least that’s the opinion of political commentator Douglas Murray. Murray’s belief is that society’s growing awareness of people’s differences has led to more problems than solutions. This relentless emphasis on difference has led to a worthless consideration of injustice without any action to help people overcome it. Groups that people have tried to form […]
Two Things You Need to Know About Marriage
Many couples’ arguments stem from a common problem: women don’t feel loved, and men don’t feel respected. These perspectives are often shaped by gender, which can lead to misunderstandings in a marriage. A wife may think her husband is being aloof when he just wants to spend time alone. And a husband might feel disrespected […]
Are Colleges Just Social Justice Camps?
US college campuses are in a disastrous state, according to outspoken conservative commentator Candace Owens. In Blackout, Owens’s diatribe against the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter, feminism, and other political movements, she also finds time to criticize the state of higher education. We live in a hyper-racialized culture that undermines meaningful racial harmony, Owens says. Those who […]
What Did the President Know?
It’s difficult for reporters to get clear information on President Trump’s thoughts because he avoids hard questions. But Bob Woodward had something that most journalists don’t get: access. Over 17 surprisingly frank interviews with the president, Woodward gained deep insight into the way Trump’s mind works. When Woodward’s book Rage came out last month, the world was […]
You Need this to Succeed
2020 has driven home the lesson that life is full of circumstances that are beyond our control. But we can always control the attitude we take towards our circumstances. In You Can Win, self-help author Shiv Khera argues that attitude is an important element of finding success. Your mindset is a powerful tool that shapes how […]
Are You Afraid to Talk About This?
A lot of people don’t want to talk about it. They’re afraid they’ll say something wrong, or get in trouble. But across the United States, more people are coming to the realization that conversations about race are long overdue. In her bestselling book So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo explains that too often, […]
Clean Up Your Digital Footprint
What would a stranger think if he or she googled you? Before the internet, job applicants could tailor the images they presented to employers by sending in paper résumés that listed all their best qualities. In today’s world, however, we don’t quite have as much control over how other people perceive us. Often, potential employers […]
Can You Break This Habit?
The Internet is like a drug. The more you use it, the more you need it. The average person spends about 3 hours a day on their phone. That’s 11 years over the course of a life. How does your screen time stack up? If you’re addicted to electronics, the first step is recognition. New […]
How to Be a Player
Perhaps you’re familiar with the board game Monopoly, where you can purchase premium properties like Boardwalk and Park Place, or build a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. The objective of the game is to acquire as many properties as possible, so that you can bankrupt your opponents by charging steep rents. In the real world, of […]