Are You a Tactical Communicator?

It’s tough to communicate well under pressure. Stressful situations bring out our argumentative sides, but debate is rarely the best tool to get what you want. As a police officer with a black belt in judo and a PhD in English literature, George J. Thompson developed sharp, yet subtle, tactics for having productive conversations with […]

How to Crowdsource Happiness

This isn’t science fiction. The people you pass on the street have the ability to unlock powerful biological reactions in your body, triggering the release of hormones that make you feel happier for the rest of the day. These scientifically significant boosts from interactions with friendly strangers help shape our physical and mental health. Learn more […]

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

The self-improvement industry is booming. After all, who wouldn’t want to learn and grow—and hopefully become more successful along the way? The problem is that, all too often, people impose limitations on themselves without realizing it. Uncover whatever’s holding you back and break through those barriers with our new Instaread Original, on cultivating a GROWTH MINDSET.

How to Boost Engagement

Have you ever wished for extra hours in the day? Time management and wishful thinking aren’t the best areas in which to invest your attention. The secret to getting things done is to cultivate and manage your energy levels—and the best way to do that is to fully engage with each task, then take a break. Tap […]

Should You Stop Drinking?

Allen Carr was an addiction treatment specialist with a groundbreaking point of view: abstaining from alcohol doesn’t have to be hard. According to Carr’s pioneering program, quitters only need to unlearn common messages about the benefits of drinking. Here are two top insights from THE EASY WAY TO CONTROL ALCOHOL. Key Insight 1: There are no […]

Happiness is a Habit

Happiness isn’t a blissful, mysterious state, according to the Dalai Lama. It’s a habit of mind that requires a certain rigor. Finding happiness is a lifelong project of replacing negative emotions with positive ones, and it’s a process of trial and error. The good news is that the return on investment is huge—and it’s available to […]

Weekend Wisdom – What Your Accountant Doesn’t Know (and how it can hurt you)

As the co-founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul empire, Jack Canfield believes that emotional wellness and material success are deeply intertwined. In THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES, Canfield spends more time selling the benefits of introspection than the productivity tips that are commonly found in self-improvement books. One of Canfield’s most interesting claims is that everyone […]

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