Think Like a Leader

Being a smart leader isn’t necessarily about training and knowledge. It’s about mindset: knowing how to apply the right cognitive lens to the situation at hand. High achievers have supple minds that move easily between different points of view. Ready to put on your thinking cap? Check out our Instaread on John C. Maxwell’s HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE […]

What are You Selling?

On some level, everyone works in sales—even people who don’t have a job. From stay-at-home parents to politicians, every adult role requires some element of a persuasion. If you haven’t yet given serious thought to what exactly you’re selling (and how to sell it better), you’re likely underperforming. Ready to step up and sharpen your sales […]

How to Assess Your Strengths

In today’s world, self-management is often driven by the data we collect from our devices. But long before there was the Apple Watch or Fitbit, there was Peter F. Drucker, a visionary thinker who wrote at the intersection of personal and professional development. MANAGING ONESELF distills some of his best advice on optimization. Here are two key […]

Master the Art of Persuasion

Salespeople aren’t just disreputable used car salesmen, as the old stereotype suggests. In fact, most of us engage in sales or sales-like transactions every day, trying to persuade people to give us their time, money, or attention. Brush up on your technique with two key insights from our Instaread on Daniel Pink’s new bestseller, TO SELL […]

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