Forget Your Haters (and Your Fans)

Is the customer really always right? Businesses often operate under this assumption, but it can lead them to make costly mistakes. Placing too much emphasis on others’ feedback can mean chasing fads instead of pursuing change that would improve the business’s performance. Customers’ tastes change constantly, and sometimes the suggestions companies receive from them would perform terribly […]

End on a Good Note

We’ve all been there. A lackluster Zoom meeting. A presentation that falls flat. A vacation that doesn’t go as planned. If you ever find yourself flopping, here’s a quick tip to salvage the situation: make sure to end on a positive note. The way in which an experience concludes helps to crystallize a good—or bad—memory. Often enough, […]

Turn Your Year Around

A little more than halfway through 2020, it’s safe to say that for most of us, this hasn’t been a banner year for personal goal-setting and productivity. Take heart: challenging circumstances can be an incredible source of personal and professional growth. Using motivational speaker Michael Hyatt’s five-step plan for goal-setting, you can reset your expectations […]

Learn from the Middle

There’s no such thing as having too many leaders in a workplace. Famed leadership consultant and author John C. Maxwell doesn’t just define leadership as a top-down phenomenon that is limited to people in managerial roles. Maxwell says that most leadership takes place in the middle of the organizational hierarchy—and that it’s important for these […]

Is Your Service Up to Snuff?

Disney has made headlines recently with its plans to reopen parts of its flagship theme park in Orlando, Florida in just a few weeks. (The Shanghai location opened on June 16, and the California location may follow suit later this summer.) A Disney vacation may look different for the foreseeable future, but the company has […]

Know When the Price Is Right

After a drastic drop in March and April, consumer confidence has been shaky around the globe—slightly up in the US, and down in China. Amidst so much upheaval, it’s reassuring to know that some things haven’t changed, including the principles that govern consumers’ choices. In Dollars and Sense, behavioral economist Dan Ariely explores how consumers calculate the value […]

3 Tips for Weathering a Downturn

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment. According to the World Bank, the global pandemic has triggered a recession that will be the deepest one the world has seen in decades. Many people, particularly those who have lost their jobs or fear they soon will, feel […]

How to Make a Good Impression

Most of us don’t remember every detail of our daily activities. It’s the defining moments, whether they’re terrible or great, that make experiences memorable and give our lives shape and meaning. When defining moments are positive, they can deepen our relationships with individuals, organizations, and customers. Defining moments make or break the customer experience. In business, […]

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