Did you know a small group of business firms control the flow of natural resources around the globe? They’re called commodity traders, and they impact nearly ever aspect of our daily lives. Our latest Instaread offers a gripping account of key players, deals, and scandals that have shaped this enormously lucrative industry. Money & Power […]
Is Bernie Sanders Really Radical?
In the 2020 Democratic primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders’s ideas were dismissed as “radical” by political elites and many in the media. But millions of people supported his grassroots campaign, so it’s not exactly fair to describe his agenda as fringe. What should we make of his politics? Making America Great Again (Bernie Remix) If Americans […]
In The Old Days, No One Knew That Germs Were Bad
You know all those drawings of human anatomy from the Italian Renaissance? And those baroque paintings of medical students huddled over cadavers? Those are nice to look at in museums, but you wouldn’t have wanted to be in those operating theaters. The doctors in those images had a dirty secret: no one washed their hands. […]
They’re Definitely Out To Get You
If you’re a small investor, the stock market is rigged against you. If that sounds like a conspiracy, that’s because it is one: the system was built for market insiders who know how to manipulate it. As the foremost chronicler of how regular Americans keep getting #!*&%ed by Wall Street, Michael Lewis tells the captivating […]
Think Like a Customer
Your product or service is awesome. You know that. But do they know that? You need to learn how to communicate the value of what you’re offering to customers in terms that make sense to people who don’t know the product inside and out like you do. Translating “Attributes” into Benefits With physical products, features are a […]
How To Sell Out
In business, there are two basic functions: making things and selling them. Being exceptional at the first does not necessarily guarantee success with the second. A lot of people with great products need to get better at pitching them. That’s where our latest Instaread comes in. The 3-Step Sales Cycle You can break down sales […]
Create. Develop. Dominate.
When you build a brand that’s synonymous for an entire product group, you become what’s known as a category king. For long-term success in the 21st century economy, you need to develop and dominate new product and service categories. The emerging field of category design can help you do it. The Second-Place Advantage Category design […]
You’re More Creative Than You Think
Creativity isn’t just for artists; in fact, you can cultivate it just like you can learn a new language or instrument. Creative thinking can lead to new possibilities, greater courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. Cultivating this skill will increase your chances of performing well at work—and truly making a difference in the world. Practice […]
The Creator Who Was Almost Destroyed
Victory City was almost a posthumous novel. In August 2022, after more than 30 years of living under the threat of assassination, the novelist Salman Rushdie was viciously stabbed by an attacker at a public speaking event. Rushdie lost an eye and suffered from other injuries, but he survived to see his new novel get rave […]
Drop The Persona
It may seem strange that Joanna Gaines, one half of the husband-and-wife lifestyle brand Magnolia, used to struggle with hosting guests for dinners and parties. But it was the shameful truth: after having friends and family over to visit, Joanna felt drained, not happy or invigorated. How could she make her real life live up […]