A place of inspiration and learning, in record time.

Don’t be a Passenger

In business, there are two types of people: the drivers and the passengers. Drivers are the folks who seize initiative, spotting problems and creating value for the company. Passengers are the people who are content to just come along for the ride.  You can guess which type of person is more valuable to a company.  […]

What AI Doesn’t Know

Artificial intelligence has made a lot of headlines this year, but for now, data is still pretty dumb. The human brain can grasp cause and effect, which keeps us a step ahead. But AI isn’t too far behind. We have the edge because we use sophisticated models to think about problems. These models help us […]

The Two Faces of Genghis Khan

Violence. Rape. Pillaging. The Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan is often thought of as one of history’s worst villains. But Genghis Khan also had an outsized influence on polite society, building a great empire that thrived on culture, trade, technology, and tolerance. In fact, many of our modern traditions and laws were influenced by his rule. Genghis […]

How to Handle Intense Pressure

Pressure is everywhere, and we often have little control over the circumstances that cause it. What we can control is how we react. Have you ever shut down, panicked, or started behaving aggressively under pressure? That’s textbook behavior, but there is a better way. When we’re under stress, it’s easy for our minds to switch from a state […]

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