A place of inspiration and learning, in record time.

The New World Order

As we face the threats of climate change, weapons of mass destruction, and invasive technologies, there’s a burning need for a new world order. Foreign policy expert Henry Kissinger says that comprehending the forces that have shaped world politics is essential to understanding the current moment.  So let’s dive in. According to Kissinger, no country […]

The Original Space Race

In recent years, billionaires have been driving innovation in outer space. Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson have already been, and Elon Musk has his sights set on Mars. It’s strange to think that, in the 1960s, the Space Race was driven by the American and Soviet governments, who were locked in a dangerous, but exciting, […]

When to Think for Yourself

Believing that your business is drastically different from others is a classic pitfall in entrepreneurship. Avoid falling into that trap. Assuming that you’re unique will prevent you and your employees from ever learning anything from outside the world of your company. It doesn’t really matter what industry you’re in, for the most part. The basics […]

How to be a Better Person

Who needs an evil sidekick when our own brains can do our dirty work? Beneath conscious awareness, our brains are programmed to always make us act in our own best interest. In theory, you may want to be selfless and help others. But evolution has its own agenda for your survival and dominance.  Basically, the […]

Who’s the Boss?

We’re seeing a lot of discussion about Elon Musk’s unique management style at Twitter. With billions of dollars riding on his social media experiment, one thing seems clear: the company’s performance depends on its leader. Plenty of people believe in Musk’s ability to make Twitter profitable. But the first few weeks have been rocky, to […]

When to Make it Personal

Strong traders have a specific approach to the stock market, and you need to find yours. Your methods should be compatible with your personality, and you might have to try more than one before you find the right fit. Along the way, you should keep a trading journal where you make notes about each trade […]

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