In the lore of the controversial radio host Laura Schlessinger, husbands are a bit like Gremlins: if they aren’t fed and cared for properly, they will become upset and lose control. Fortunately, this fate can be avoided. Our Instaread on Schlessinger’s instruction manual for a happy relationship, THE PROPER CARE AND FEEDING OF HUSBANDS, is packed […]
Three Reasons to Eat Less Meat
Meat: for a number of Western eaters, it’s almost always what’s for dinner. In the United States, the average consumer eats well over 200 pounds of meat in a given year, an amount totaling more than many diners’ body weight. Combined with copious eggs and dairy products, the Western fascination with meat has made for […]
Weekend Wisdom – Give up on Band-Aid Solutions
Autoimmune disorders are on the rise, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, IBS, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and celiac disease. In THE AUTOIMMUNE SOLUTION, Amy Myers points to a fundamental flaw in conventional medicine: it tends to treat the symptoms of these disorders while overlooking the patient’s overall quality of life. If you want to get to the bottom […]
A is For Adultery
Sin. Secrets. Revenge. The themes running through the great Romantic novels of American literature are reminiscent of soap operas, yet these are the books that established the US literary scene as important enough to rival that of England. As one of the first mass-produced books in the States, THE SCARLET LETTER was momentous not just […]
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Sure, some people become millionaires with dramatic business moves or by winning the lottery. But more often, people get rich by putting one foot in front of another and making the right choices on a consistent basis. For anyone who’s dreaming about a seven-figure income, here are two top insights from MILLIONAIRE SUCCESS HABITS. Key Insight […]
Weekend Wisdom – Beyond the Comfort Zone
Like most animals, humans naturally dwell in their comfort zones. In extreme weather, it’s nice to stay at home. Lunch with an old friend feels easier than a meal with someone new. And we feel most capable when we’re doing familiar work over which we have a sense of mastery. When the opportunity arises, we […]
The Invisible Heart
You’ve probably heard that the market has an invisible hand. The person who coined that famous phrase was Adam Smith, the Scottish intellectual who invented the field of economics as we know it. But did you know that Smith also wrote a book about morality? His lesser-known classic THE THEORY OF MORAL SENTIMENTS explores how […]
How Much Do They Know?
They can guess where you’re going because they know where you’ve been. The apps, browsers, and social media platforms you use constantly collect data about your habits and locations (in real life and online), which is then sold to the highest bidder. In return, you get free services like Facebook and Gmail. Is that a […]
Your Psycho Ex
Psychopaths: they’re more than just the masked villains in horror movies. With tens of millions of people suffering from psychopathic disorders in the general population, the condition is far more common than most people realize. In PSYCHOPATH FREE, author Jackson MacKenzie explores how to recover from a romantic relationship with an emotionally abusive partner—and how […]
What’s Wrong With White Lies?
Sam Harris wants you to tell the truth. In LYING, his treatise against deception of all kinds, Harris examines why people lie—and why they should stop. Banishing little white lies from your life might be harder than it sounds, but it’s well worth the trouble. Here are two key insights from our latest release. Key Insight […]