You know that the mind and the body are deeply connected. But did you realize that the way we feel—our emotions—aren’t necessarily dictated by the mind? For a long time, scientists believed that the brain was the control center for human emotions. But then they learned that emotions are also conveyed through informational substances like […]
How to Endure Anything
Acceptance means letting go of trying to control thoughts and feelings. People often believe that they can create the life they want only when they have overcome a psychological hindrance, like fear or depression. They’re wrong—and this false expectation might be holding them back. As counterintuitive as it might sound, psychological pain should be embraced, […]
Give Your Brain a Boost
Need a quick mood booster? Research shows that people are happiest when they’re surrounded by living plants and verdant colors. Spending time in nature activates positive pathways in your brain, rather than allowing it to focus on upsetting experiences. Outdoor exercise increases creativity, provides stress relief, and restores energy. Going outside for small amounts of […]
The Truth About Diabetes
A dietary disease requires a dietary cure. This principle is the foundation of The Diabetes Code, Dr. Jason Fung’s natural strategy for combining nutrition and intermittent fasting to address Type 2 diabetes. More than 90 percent of diabetes cases worldwide are Type 2, which is characterized by insulin resistance. When left unchecked, diabetes can wreak havoc […]
How to Own the Day
The way this morning unfolds will set the mood for the rest of your day. Getting a good start is incredibly important. You can set your intention for the workday in just 20 minutes. Three small steps will move things in the right direction: hydrate, do a little light exercise, and try to see the […]
Does Viral News Cloud Your Judgment?
Staying on top of the news has become a matter of survival. Unfortunately, the news shapes not just our knowledge, but also our emotional states. Exposure to too many negative news stories—and that seems like most of them, these days—can therefore affect your ability to digest information properly and make good decisions. This means that […]
Negativity Isn’t All Bad
Your bad attitude serves an evolutionary purpose. No, it’s not just pessimism. Whenever you find yourself fixating on anxiety and fear, it’s likely because your brain is trying to keep you safe. Humans owe their survival as a species to highly evolved biological and psychological strategies. Case in point: the brain’s amygdala processes stimuli to help […]
Turn Your Year Around
A little more than halfway through 2020, it’s safe to say that for most of us, this hasn’t been a banner year for personal goal-setting and productivity. Take heart: challenging circumstances can be an incredible source of personal and professional growth. Using motivational speaker Michael Hyatt’s five-step plan for goal-setting, you can reset your expectations […]
How to Hack Your Brain
Want to learn faster? First, forget about it. Challenging circumstances present some of our very best learning opportunities. As companies continue to adjust to changes in processes and policies in the face of COVID-19, many of us have been asked to hone new skills. On and off the job, people are taking on new roles: parents […]
Boost Your Health in 60 Seconds a Day
Have you been feeling stressed about, well…everything? Meditation can cut through anxiety and boost your immune system, but lately it might be harder than ever to find a quiet moment in the day. The good news is that you don’t need perfect serenity to reap the rewards of a meditation practice. Meditation can take place […]