The climate problem has been building for a long time. Since 1880, the average global temperature has increased by around 1 degree Celsius. That may not sound like a lot, but the results over time will be catastrophic. This is not just an environmental problem, but also a financial and business problem. Researchers believe that […]
Who Killed the Middle Class?
During the Great Recession, there was a historic decline in homeownership across the United States. A small handful of magnates took advantage of the financial crisis and made millions off their risky bets. They benefited from a rigged system that left American taxpayers to bear the cost of substantial losses. The people who benefitted were […]
The Longevity Question
There is no cure for aging, of course. But many researchers approach the effects and disorders of aging as inevitable, which is a limiting perspective. Instead, it’s helpful to look at aging as a process that can be treated, slowed, or even partially reversed. Cutting-edge science is focused on “biological reprogramming”: dietary restrictions, genetic modifications, […]
One Weird Tip For Surviving Disaster
The next time you find yourself in the middle of an emergency, you might want to pour yourself a drink. That’s what the chief baker on the Titanic, Charlie Joughin, did on the day of the disaster. He had been in the kitchen all day. When the ship hit an iceberg, he simply headed to the […]
How to Find the Hook Point
Each and every day, you’re bombarded by a massive amount of information in the form of texts, notifications, emails, ads, and other posts. Your brain decides whether or not to ignore a given piece of information in just three seconds. That’s an effective filtration system, and it serves you very well! But if you’re in […]
How do you fix a problem you can’t see?
In New York City, more than 40 percent of residents live around or below the poverty level. There’s also a high homeless population, including 22,000 children. These problems are everywhere, yet they’re easy to overlook. In the hustle and bustle of a city with more than 8 million people, homeless families are all but invisible—and […]
Turn Off The Struggle Switch
It’s natural to label emotions as good and bad. But joy and anger are just feelings. One is pleasant and the other is not, but both will pass eventually. It may be more helpful to look at your emotions as a series of shifting urges and sensations without categories. That’s because labeling an emotion as […]
The American Royals
Most of us wouldn’t mind a little more floor space. But we’re guessing that even your wildest Zillow dream house isn’t 175,000 square feet. That’s the size of the Biltmore House, a real American castle built by a Vanderbilt heir and nestled in the verdant mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Construction began in 1889, and […]
Surviving a Plane Crash
When Larry Shaben regained consciousness, he was still strapped into his seat. The plane had hit the ground upside down, and it took a moment to get oriented. Several of the other passengers were already dead, and more would die before the ordeal was over. But Larry was relatively intact, with broken ribs and a […]
Putting Purpose Over Profit
Today’s business leaders tend to focus on profit and perfection, at the expense of everything else. Hubert Joly, the former CEO of Best Buy, thinks that this mentality is poisonous. To thrive, a company has to care about more than profit. Joly says that the key to success is to have a noble purpose at […]