Everyone has what it takes to push past their limitations and learn something new. You just need to have a plan. These five steps have been designed to help you teach yourself any about any topic. Step 1: Learn more. Choose five books on your chosen subject. Start with a book that’s approachable and popular, then […]
How to find answers faster
As a leader or a leader-in-training, you’re already taking proactive steps to identify most problems before they happen. But let’s face it: no one can prevent every issue. So you also need to make sure that your problem-solving skills stay sharp. Speed and agility are two of the secrets to effective problem solving. Instead of spending […]
Stop Checking Your Phone
There are only so many hours in the day, right? But with this scheduling trick, your days will seem longer and more productive. By blocking time on your schedule for certain activities and tasks, you can make the clock work for you, not against you. For example, one of the biggest productivity sucks today is electronic interruptions. […]
How to Make a Deal
You can’t teach someone how to make a deal. The process is more about soul-searching, trusting your instincts, and letting your inner voice guide next steps. Digital media pioneer Richard Wolpert should know—he has worked with industry titans like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Now he’s distilled everything he has learned about how to negotiate into […]
How to Triple Your Sales
Insecurities and worries will not help you sell anything, whether it’s an idea or a product. To succeed, you need to have high self-esteem. Think of your self-concept as the master program of your subconscious. Improving it will directly improve your effectiveness, productivity, and performance. If you find that you don’t like yourself for any […]
How to Build Value
To succeed on the job, a business professional needs to have enough marketing knowledge to reach customers, coworkers, and other stakeholders. But first and foremost, qualified pros needs to know how to market themselves so they can land the job. Every boss is betting their own financial success on choosing the right employees. That makes […]
Retire as a Millionaire
Contrary to popular belief, getting rich has less to do with how much money you make and more to do with how much money you spend. All you need to do is follow a simple formula: avoid debt, spend less than you earn, and invest the surplus. That’s it. If you’re already in debt, paying that off should […]
Make This One Change
If you want to change your situation, you must first change yourself. Are you a proactive person or a reactive person? The answer might dictate how much you accomplish in life. Proactivity is the first and most basic habit of a highly effective person. Proactivity means being responsible for your own life and frequently taking the […]
Expand Your Circle of Influence
Want to be a better communicator? Here are three principles you need to keep in mind. 1. Never criticize, condemn, or complain. Using criticism to win an argument, make a point, or incite change will not achieve good results. When your words threaten someone’s pride, they’ll feel compelled to defend themselves by rejecting whatever you’re saying. […]
Schedule Your Free Time
We live in an age of constant distraction. One way of dealing with the demands on your time and attention is to plan every minute of the day—even your free time. Go ahead and spend half an hour watching viral videos, as long as you intended to spend your time that way. It doesn’t matter so […]