Can You Spot a Lie?

Fake news has been around for centuries. But in recent years, techniques have gotten more sophisticated and insidious, making misinformation super tough to spot, at least some of the time. Instead of rehashing which news networks and platforms have a fake news problem (spoiler alert: your opinion probably depends on your politics), it might be […]

The Dangers of Tracking Drug Lords

Mexican author and journalist Anabel Hernandez already knew that her government was corrupt. But a horrible family tragedy gave her the courage she needed to take her reporting to the next level. Outraged by authorities who told her that they would only investigate her father’s murder if her family paid a bribe, Hernandez redoubled her […]

Time to Pick a Side

Good men aren’t hard to find. They’ve just given up. That’s the opinion of Helen Smith, a psychologist who has had it with society’s anti-male bias. In Men on Strike, Smith traces the history of how men in Western society have been chased out of public and private life. She sees harmful stereotypes everywhere she looks. […]

The Golden Age of Banking

Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant. Dwyane Wade. The world-renowned trainer Tim Grover has examined some of his most fascinating experiences with NBA superstars, and distilled the wisdom we need to rise to greatness. These days, financial power is widely distributed among American, European, and Japanese corporations. But much of this complex global system can be traced […]

Can the U.S. Recover?

The death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, led to a wave of Black Lives Matter protests. But actively fighting for human rights, and Black lives specifically, shouldn’t require a shocking incident or video, says CNN journalist Don Lemon. As one of the newscasters who broke the news of Floyd’s death, Lemon recognized that […]

Don’t Sell Yourself Short

The universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years old. So it’s understandable if, as puny humans, we think of ourselves as relatively inconsequential. Our physical bodies are very small compared to the vastness of the universe. The Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek has a different perspective. He points out that each individual contains about 10 […]

Why Is Parenting So Tough?

Being a parent can feel impossible sometimes. But it hasn’t always been this way. Some Western parenting methods date back only about a hundred years; others go back just a few decades. The concept of the nuclear family, for instance, is relatively new. Until recently, people around the world shared the burdens of raising children. Now, most parents of […]

Heaven on Earth

Today, C.S. Lewis is best known for fictional stories like The Chronicles of Narnia. But in the 1940s, during World War II, Lewis was more famous as a radio personality. In fact, he was on British radio so often that his voice became as famous as Winston Churchill’s. Lewis was offered a broadcast on modern literature, […]

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