The poor get poorer

The United States is one of the world’s wealthiest countries. But millions of people there live without basic necessities and struggle to make ends meet. Progress in reducing poverty has stagnated over the last 50 years despite advancements in science and tech. Why? Subsidizing the Rich The American welfare state is skewed towards benefitting the […]

Why do we have generation gaps?

Anyone who’s gathered with extended family for a holiday meal knows that relationships between the generations can be tense. The same is true for intergenerational workplaces, where bosses may be much older than their employees—or vice versa. How can we have better conversations with people from a different age bracket?   Winds of Change Technology is […]

Healthcare for the homeless

Dr. Jim O’Connell could have had a prestigious fellowship in medicine. Instead, he chose to provide urgently needed health care to homeless people across the city of Boston. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Tracy Kidder followed Dr. O’Connell for five years to chronicle his transformative work.  Senseless Death In Boston, unhoused people die at roughly 10 times […]

The truth about climate change

Climate change is real, theoretical physicist Steven E. Koonin concedes. But the public discussion around the topic is alarmist and divorced from real science. Why are we missing so much crucial context, and what can we do about it?  Too Much Drama At its core, news is a business, and today’s headlines are engineered to […]

The Dark Side of Evolution

When we think about what sets humans apart from other animals, we often focus on our positive traits. We create art, debate ideas, and have religions. We exist in all environments and habitats, from tropical forests and deserts to the Arctic. We’ve even expanded into space. Among these commendable qualities, there’s one that puts our […]

Are You Ready for What’s Coming?

The Information Age has caused rapid societal shifts over the last decades that were accelerated by the pandemic. As the world becomes more and more online, we’re learning new things about ourselves and what it means to be a citizen in the fourth age of society (the first three being hunter-gatherer, agricultural, and industrial). This […]

Why Trust Matters

Humanity has had a rough few years, which pessimists have taken as proof that the world keeps getting worse. Objectively, however, life for most people has increased in quality. Global poverty is declining, living conditions are improving, mortality is decreasing, and prosperity is flourishing. In The Rational Optimist, scientist and author Matt Ridley explains that working […]

How to Invest in Yourself

Your personal assets make up your “identity capital.” Think of this capital as more colorful than a resumé and more complicated than a brand. Your identity capital includes all your experiences over a period of time: your education, your job, your hobbies, and even what you post on social media.  When you’re at a crossroads […]

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