Better Decisions, Starting Now

There’s a common misunderstanding regarding the relationship between reason and emotion. People think that, in forming a worldview or making a decision, you can be motivated either by deep feeling or cold, emotionless rationality. In fact, reason and emotion are intertwined on a neurobiological level. For example, if you think about something terrifying that happened to […]

How to Overcome Stage Fright

Giving a presentation or delivering a talk is an acquired skill. That means anyone can learn it—even you. A good talk requires two components: a speaker and an audience. Both parties need to be engaged for the event to be a success. Speakers who don’t work to engage the audience may come across as self-involved, […]

How to Hit Reset

How can you minimize distractions? By building them into your schedule. The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management method based on the idea that frequent breaks improve mental agility. By breaking down your work into 25-minute chunks, you can procrastinate less and concentrate better. Here’s how the technique works: set a timer for 25 minutes. Work […]

How Did Jay-Z Turn Things Around?

When Beyoncé released her album Lemonade in 2016, the world waited to see how Jay-Z would respond. She wrote the album to vent her feelings about her husband’s infidelity, a subject that can be taboo. To many people’s surprise, Jay took full responsibility for his actions. He had evolved into a man who can to express his feelings and take […]

Improve Your Self-Image

Often, we imagine that if we do everything perfectly, we can avoid blame, judgment, and shame. But the truth is that, more often than not, perfectionism makes us feel bad about ourselves. The best way to acknowledge your mistakes and imperfections is to practice self-compassion. Treat yourself the way you’d treat a good friend, offering the […]

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