Every conversation matters in an intimate relationship. Each exchange builds on another, and there are no shortcuts. Think of every feeling, story, secret, and emotion that friends and loved ones share with you as a gift that brings you closer together. Communicating is the only way that we can see into one another’s hearts and […]
The Secret Force that Shapes Our Lives
Liars use math to trick people all the time. Knowing how to spot the potential for deception is half the battle. In The Math of Life and Death, mathematician Kit Yates demonstrates how math underpins everything from medical screening to newspaper articles. In articles and advertisements, for example, statistics might be used to inform or mislead readers. How […]
10 Predictions from Fareed Zakaria
Wondering what the world is going to be like post-COVID? Fareed Zakaria has two words for you: Buckle up. One thing that the pandemic has made clear is that as much as we are globally connected, each country is very much on its own. No one nation can shape the trajectory of the planet. Today, […]
5 Steps to Conquer Any Fear
You can conquer any fear in just five steps. Think of it as a workout: you must keep pushing yourself harder and harder by introducing obstacles and overcoming them. One day you will reach your goal. Step 1: Identify one or two stressors related to the fear that you can introduce into your life. You should feel […]
Happiness Isn’t a Goal. It’s a Process.
Great thinkers have wondered about the meaning of life for thousands of years. What if someone has finally figured it out? According to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, the “happiness hypothesis” requires us to think of contentment as a journey, not a destination. Process is important. As you work towards a goal, you enjoy the feeling […]
A New Threat Against Kids
Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician, was running a free clinic in a poor neighborhood in San Francisco when she made a horrible discovery. It had already been widely documented that poor communities have suboptimal health outcomes. But Harris’s realization went a step farther: she realized there was a harrowing connection between childhood trauma and medical […]
Is Aging a Disease?
The biology of aging is one of the most exciting frontiers in science. But since aging is not widely considered a disease, medical research funds are rarely dedicated to aging-related projects. Longevity specialist Dr. David Sinclair sees things differently. In his opinion, aging is a disease that will eventually be treatable. What can we do […]
Why the Pandemic Didn’t Change Anything
COVID-19 didn’t really change anything, according to Scott Galloway. It just accelerated existing trends. Tech companies like Amazon and Netflix that dominated their industries pre-pandemic are even more popular (and profitable) now. As you may have heard, Jeff Bezos increased his fortune by more than $35 billion in a single month. That’s all well and […]
Want to Be More Productive? Try This Trick.
Your brain is always active. But different brain regions are activated when you work and when you rest. Resting activates a brain system known as “default mode network,” which is critical to your health, productivity, and development. After resting, your creative energy is at its peak. You can then work optimally for shorter periods, rather than […]
Say What You Think
The quest for truth should always be regarded as more important than the natural desire to be right. But according to Gad Saad, a friend and colleague of Jordan Peterson, that’s not always the case for people these days—especially at Western universities. The West is in trouble because it has lost its commitment to reason. […]