Your brain is a top-notch security system, analyzing risks and doing everything it can to keep you safe. From the moment you wake up until you go to sleep at night, your brain makes an infinite number of decisions to protect you. Most of those choices happen beneath the level of awareness, in your subconscious. […]
Is There a Constitutional Crisis?
The foundational rights of citizens in the United States can only endure if Americans choose to protect and nurture the Constitution. This responsibility has been passed down between generations for hundreds of years. It has been considered sacred. That is, until recently. The problem is that civilizations do not always evolve. In fact, they often […]
Are You Setting the Wrong Goals?
Most of us spend our lives comparing ourselves to other people. As kids, we’re taught to evaluate ourselves in terms of benchmarks like grades and scores. These ideals are set by the educational system, not kids or parents. Over time, this mindset leads us to embrace society’s definitions of success—money, popularity, or even social media […]
Stabilize Your Mood With Food
Depression and mood swings are among the most common mental health problems. Medical researcher Neal Barnard has a straightforward suggestion: try cutting back on animal products like meat and dairy to boost your mood. Anyone who’s experienced a sugar high (or the inevitable crash that follows) knows that food can influence our mood. But the […]
How to Age Backwards
Weakness. Sore joints. Poor balance. These are all physical problems that we associate with aging. But health issues aren’t inevitable. Often, they come down to lifestyle choices, which are largely under your control. Every action you take, every morsel you consume, and all of your thoughts and feelings have incredible power to alter your brain […]
Canines in Combat
They’ve crept through the remote caves of Afghanistan and fought in active war zones all over the world. The US Navy’s canine workers are some of the military’s best protectors—and weapons. Highly trained dogs have been especially important in covert operations with Navy SEALs. Dogs can sniff out improvised explosive devices and other bombs. They […]
Do You Think the Election Was Stolen?
From QAnon to COVID skepticism, many narratives in the news have been questioned by doubtful Republicans. Perhaps the biggest of these controversies has been the 2020 presidential election, which many Donald Trump supporters still believe was invalid. Now Mollie Hemingway, a Fox News contributor and senior editor for The Federalist, has taken a close look at […]
Make a Plan For After Retirement
After a lifetime of being busy, retirement can feel a little boring. Suddenly, you have a lot of extra free time. Sure, doing nothing is fun for a few days. But after a week or so of watching too much TV, you’ll be ready to move on to phase two. So what’s next? Retirement can […]
These Fitness Routines are a Total Waste of Time
Mainstream fitness gurus have long touted the benefits of pumping iron and getting your heart rate up. But John Jaquish and Henry Alkire are champions of alternative methods, including monitoring hormone levels, developing good eating habits, and strength training. Consider hormones. Until recently, their function with regard to fitness and exercise was not well understood. […]
How To Bring Your Best Memories To Life
For Dave Grohl, hearing a Kiss song is like traveling back in time. Suddenly, he’s in his old bedroom with dirty socks, lots of posters, and his first guitar. Since he was a kid, the Foo Fighters front man and Nirvana alum has measured his life in musical bars instead of months or years. Where […]