Improve Your Self-Image

Often, we imagine that if we do everything perfectly, we can avoid blame, judgment, and shame. But the truth is that, more often than not, perfectionism makes us feel bad about ourselves. The best way to acknowledge your mistakes and imperfections is to practice self-compassion. Treat yourself the way you’d treat a good friend, offering the […]

How to Stay Wealthy, No Matter What

People should make investment decisions based on their goals and the characteristics of investment options available to them. But economists have found that people’s investment decisions are heavily anchored to personal and generational experiences. That means your upbringing, social status, and other factors will shape how you choose to invest. While your background is sure to […]

You Need this to Succeed

2020 has driven home the lesson that life is full of circumstances that are beyond our control. But we can always control the attitude we take towards our circumstances. In You Can Win, self-help author Shiv Khera argues that attitude is an important element of finding success. Your mindset is a powerful tool that shapes how […]

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