Are You Trustworthy?

You know you’re trustworthy. But how will she know? Men who are trying to woo women need to convey that they are honest, genuine, and reliable. The best way to accomplish this, according to The Man’s Guide to Women, is to achieve “attunement”—a means of connecting and building deeper intimacy. The first step to attunement is offering […]

This Is Not a Test

Our busy modern lives make it difficult to truly know and understand ourselves. But what if an ancient geometric form could give you stunning insights into your personality? This mysterious tool is called an Enneagram: a nine-pointed geometric figure that you can use as a personality-typing system. Think of it not as a test, but […]

Make Your Dreams Happen

It takes three steps to turn a goal into reality. The first step is easy: Dream big. Before you can declare a milestone or goal, you must first have a wish. That’s the fun part. Most of us have ambitious dreams, and it’s important to articulate them. Don’t worry about how you’ll fulfill the dream for […]

What Women Want

It’s not your imagination. Women are always testing men. Why? According to dating expert Bruce Bryans, it’s because women prefer for men to lead in the relationship. Women don’t care if a guy is nice, or if he goes to church, or if he’s well-liked by friends. They don’t care if a guy is a good […]

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