Everyone has what it takes to push past their limitations and learn something new. You just need to have a plan. These five steps have been designed to help you teach yourself any about any topic. Step 1: Learn more. Choose five books on your chosen subject. Start with a book that’s approachable and popular, then […]
The Predator Inside
We each contain multitudes. Delving deep into the magic of old stories, Clarissa Pinkola Estés taps into the eternal wisdom of global fairy tales. She examines world literature and oral traditions in her bestselling book exploring feminine archetypes. “Wild women,” as Estés calls the characters from these stories, are a lot like wolves—instinctive, passionate, and filled with ageless […]
Ancient Wisdom Was the Original Self-Help
How relevant can old Hindu scripture be to our modern lives? You might be surprised. As one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, The Bhagavad Gita offers essential guidance on topics like knowledge, devotion, and spirituality. The world has always been filled with challenges and change. These old “self-help” scriptures can serve as a […]
Harness the Power of Your Inner Voice
Within your brain, there’s a running dialogue—your inner voice—that helps you make sense of your experiences. Paying attention to it can be a life-changing experience. That inner voice is an important advisor, perhaps the most influential voice in your life. But its influence often flies under the radar. A negative inner voice can be extremely […]
Stop Wasting Time
Bad relationships have a way of clouding our judgment and making us forget common sense. If your partner is repeatedly disrespectful or hurtful, consider moving on. Immediately. One problem is that people often talk themselves into staying in bad relationships despite obvious issues. It’s usually easier to find a reason to stay than to go. […]
How to find answers faster
As a leader or a leader-in-training, you’re already taking proactive steps to identify most problems before they happen. But let’s face it: no one can prevent every issue. So you also need to make sure that your problem-solving skills stay sharp. Speed and agility are two of the secrets to effective problem solving. Instead of spending […]
Give Yourself an Upgrade
It’s easy to blame other people or curse our bad luck when we experience misfortune. No matter how good it feels, playing the blame game isn’t going to help us find success. Wallowing in bad feelings and self-pity is a waste of time. Instead, try positive action: accept responsibility, and choose to make a change. […]
How to Be a Real Man
Growing up fatherless, actor and life coach Dondré T. Whitfield had a vague understanding of manhood. His journey to find the true meaning of masculinity led to a life-changing discovery: not all males evolve into real men. Being a real man means that you are constantly aiming to be of better service to yourself, your […]
Get Over It
The next time something’s bugging you—an old memory, perhaps, or a recent misstep at work—try to put it in writing. When we feel embarrassed or sad or angry, memories can overlap and replay on an endless mental loop. It can be very difficult to break this cycle of negative self-talk. Writing about the experience puts […]
Stop Checking Your Phone
There are only so many hours in the day, right? But with this scheduling trick, your days will seem longer and more productive. By blocking time on your schedule for certain activities and tasks, you can make the clock work for you, not against you. For example, one of the biggest productivity sucks today is electronic interruptions. […]