Are You Underestimating Yourself?

The cult of genius tells us to celebrate the heroes of the past for their unique qualities. But what if we looked at them as role models, more than special cases?  Even regular folks have an incredible potential for greatness. That’s been one of the big lessons of psychological research in the 21st century. Modern […]

How We Define Addiction

Addiction has genetic, medical, environmental, and emotional roots. That last category — how we feel and what our personality is like — often goes unexamined, but it can be a powerful predictor of who will succumb. People who have a hard time managing big emotions may experience a powerful need to seek outside sources of […]

Don’t Do All the Work

Entrepreneurs are famous for working too hard. They stay up late, work through holidays and weekends, neglect their families, and cancel plans with friends. In many circles, these terrible habits are regarded as part and parcel of getting a successful business off the ground. But what if things could be different? Instead of sacrificing your […]

Don’t Overlook This Easy Upgrade

Look around. Is this environment supporting your best life? Switching up your surroundings can boost your mood, productivity levels, and general sense of well-being. But we often take our spaces for granted, when we should cultivate them consciously. Research shows that our environments at home and work influence our quality of sleep, the way we […]

How to Toughen Up

Every day you live and breathe is proof that you’re unstoppable. Your tenaciousness is a matter of fact, so you may as well believe it. You don’t have to feel emotionally bulletproof every day. We all have moments of weakness. But the evidence that you made it through yesterday strongly suggests that you’ll endure tomorrow.  […]

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Are you your own worst enemy? Your inner voice can be a harsh critic, comparing yourself to others and making you feel bad about yourself. When you beat up on yourself too often, it can have terrible long-term effects, sapping your happiness, self-confidence, and self-esteem.  To cut down on self-criticism, start by reflecting on past […]

Raise Your Emotional IQ

With war in the headlines (again), we’re reminded that, at its worst, modern life can feel gray and hopeless.  Hopelessness is an emotion that’s caused by difficult life events that are out of your control. But hope is an entirely different animal. In fact, hope isn’t an emotion at all. It’s a way of thinking.   […]

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