When Jane McLelland was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, she was told she had only weeks to live. At the time, she was only 35 years old. Her scientific background made her treat cancer like a research problem. Quickly, she learned that cancer cells behave like parasites, stealing and weaponizing the body’s own nutrients against […]
Is High Cholesterol Really a Worry?
Cholesterol is an essential molecule, and without it, human life would be impossible. In fact, cholesterol is so deeply necessary that it can be synthesized by almost every cell in your body. So why do physicians around the world prescribe billions of dollars’ worth of medicines to inhibit the creation of cholesterol in our bodies? […]
Are Carbs the New Health Craze?
Many doctors and nutritionists have villainized the starches we eat, pointing out that they turn into sugar (which then turns into fat). But if you look around the world, especially at non-Western diets, people who eat rice and vegetables tend to have health and longevity. What gives? John A. McDougall and Mary McDougall say that […]
Is Intermittent Fasting For You?
You’ve heard the most common weight-loss advice: eat less and move more. It might sound simple, but special diets and exercise equipment can be expensive, difficult, and unpleasant to maintain. And if you don’t maintain the regimen—well, you know what happens. The weight piles back on. An increasingly popular alternative is intermittent fasting, which can […]
The Surprising Truth About Nice Guys
You’re never going to get what you want in life when you’re trying too hard to be nice. That’s the view of Dr. Robert A. Glover, who says that “Nice Guy Syndrome” is ruining the lives and relationships of too many modern men. Nice Guy Syndrome isn’t about regular kindness (which is always appreciated). It’s […]
Get Fit Quick
If you haven’t yet had your 60th birthday, chances are you know and love someone who has. As we grow older, we slowly start losing lean muscle mass. This isn’t just a vanity problem. Losing that muscle makes it easier to get injured and harder to stay active as we age. The good news is […]
A Data-Based Approach to Weight Control
Do you dread stepping on the scale to check your weight? It’s time to adjust your mindset. Your weight is just a data point—a simple, straightforward update on how your daily eating habits are affecting your body. While some experts recommend relatively infrequent weigh-ins (such as once a week), others think daily feedback is better. […]
Stabilize Your Mood With Food
Depression and mood swings are among the most common mental health problems. Medical researcher Neal Barnard has a straightforward suggestion: try cutting back on animal products like meat and dairy to boost your mood. Anyone who’s experienced a sugar high (or the inevitable crash that follows) knows that food can influence our mood. But the […]
How to Age Backwards
Weakness. Sore joints. Poor balance. These are all physical problems that we associate with aging. But health issues aren’t inevitable. Often, they come down to lifestyle choices, which are largely under your control. Every action you take, every morsel you consume, and all of your thoughts and feelings have incredible power to alter your brain […]
These Fitness Routines are a Total Waste of Time
Mainstream fitness gurus have long touted the benefits of pumping iron and getting your heart rate up. But John Jaquish and Henry Alkire are champions of alternative methods, including monitoring hormone levels, developing good eating habits, and strength training. Consider hormones. Until recently, their function with regard to fitness and exercise was not well understood. […]