How to Find the Hook Point

Each and every day, you’re bombarded by a massive amount of information in the form of texts, notifications, emails, ads, and other posts. Your brain decides whether or not to ignore a given piece of information in just three seconds. That’s an effective filtration system, and it serves you very well! But if you’re in […]

How To Build Buzz

Creating buzz around your business is a tough task. While it may seem to come naturally to influencers, they put a lot of work into building their followings. We know that managing accounts on more than one media platform may seem daunting, especially when you start. That’s okay! Here’s a shortcut: try focusing on just […]

Marketing Made Easy

A good sales presentation—whether it’s in the form of a meeting, an email, web copy, an advertisement, or something else—is most effective when it’s super simple. Think of your presentation as a story, with compelling characters and plot. It should have emotional appeal. (Pure reason doesn’t sell.) Keep in mind that it’s usually best to […]

How to Use Debt

Did you know that debt can be preferable to savings? The key is to use debt to invest in assets. This method can earn you more money in the long run than compounded interest because of the potential for big returns on investment and tax breaks. Real estate, for example, is a great asset class. […]

Should You Quit Your Job?

Each day seems longer than the one that came before. You drag yourself to work and spend every hour watching the clock. Somehow every email, project, and meeting seems more boring than the last. When the day’s finally done, there are a few hours of relief until the dread sets in with the knowledge that […]

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