What is Your Financial IQ?

It’s not savings, stocks, precious metals, or property that make you wealthy. It’s what you know about those things that matters. We’re talking about your financial intelligence.  When it comes to making money, knowledge is king, and it can make or break or your business. Most businesses fail not because of a lack of capital, […]

How Instagram changed everything

When Instagram launched in 2010, users carefully sifted through their images to curate their Instagram accounts.  By 2015, Instagram had such a hold on society that the app started shaping reality, with users curating their lives and businesses to produce better content.  Coffee shops started developing an “Instagrammable” aesthetic. The app influenced how book covers […]

When to Use the Worst-Case Scenario

Statistically speaking, the odds are that most of us will live a long life. But for the purposes of choosing a life insurance policy, you should always assume that you’re going to die tomorrow. With that morbid assumption, plus your family’s expenses, it should be easy to calculate how long the insurance payout would last […]

How to Put Nosiness To Good Use

When it comes to kids, we have a tendency to downplay the things that are hard in life. It’s difficult to open up to them about sickness, death, or divorce. And perhaps nothing is harder than being honest about money problems. The trouble is, kids notice everything. Whatever you think you’re hiding from them, they probably […]

The Secret Language of Math

From sports coaches to marketing experts, we all use numbers every day. We need them to understand the world around us, to communicate with each other, and—sometimes—to convince people to take action. Just one problem: the human brain didn’t evolve to readily digest big numbers.  It’s not just you; none of us have the right […]

How to Retire Early

If you want to retire early, you need to make sure that you’re focusing on the right strategies now. Just working hard to get a raise probably isn’t going to get you there. There are three main types of income: ordinary, portfolio, and passive. Ordinary income is working for money in the form of paychecks, […]

How to Create Branded Content

A post is never just a post, especially if you want to be a paid influencer. No matter what platforms you’re using, brands will be scrutinizing your content to see if you’re someone they want to do business with. They’re closely studying photos of you and photos of your surroundings to see if your image […]

The Invisible Influencers

The most talented ones are all but invisible. But whether or not you know their names, public relations professionals deeply influence our day-to-day lives, working behind the scenes to shape our opinions. The public requires information about…well, everything. And we use that information to formulate the judgments that make the world move—pressuring politicians, interacting with businesses, […]

Make Your Money Work for You

The last few years have vividly demonstrated that some money matters are outside our personal control. Even the savviest investors can’t change the fact that financial losses will inevitably happen. What we can control is how we respond. Financial literacy has never been more important, but it’s not taught in most classrooms. When kids think about money, […]

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