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Going Gluten-Free: A half-baked idea?

Ten years ago, if anyone even thought to hold the bun on their burger orders, it was to cut carbs, not because they were worried about the harmful effects of gluten. But even fast food restaurants are adding lettuce-wrapped options to their menus these days. How did gluten — the protein that gives wheat products […]

Star Wars

Space has always occupied a special place in the human imagination. From the landscape of literature and movies to the realities of hard science, it carries heavy symbolic weight. Progress, mystery, loneliness, death — space has come to represent some of our most cherished ambitions and private fears. But maybe most of all its exploration […]

Deep Work

Cal Newport isn’t a trained productivity expert, but he has the kind of work habits that inspire equal parts mockery and awe at dinner parties. He barely uses his smartphone. He only checks his email a few times a day. And he always — always — leaves the office by 5:30 p.m. In Newport’s unusually serious […]

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