Mariah Carey is one of the most successful recording artists of all time. But there was a time in childhood when she didn’t believe that she was worthy of being alive. Carey’s experiences with racism marked her since she was a little girl. In kindergarten, when she was tasked with drawing a family portrait, her […]
You Can Talk to Anyone
First impressions are not just about what you say, but also how you say it. Almost every facet of your personality is evident from your appearance, your posture, your tone of voice, and the way you move. How to Talk to Anyone contains 92 easy-to-use techniques that will help you enhance your communication skills. Here are […]
Can Drugs Make You More Religious?
Twenty-seven percent of Americans consider themselves to be spiritual. But they shy away from organized religion and places of worship. The younger generation, it seems, is looking for something different. And experiments with psilocybin at schools like Johns Hopkins and New York University may be pointing the way toward a new mysticism based on ancient […]
Why Is This Ancient Philosophy Trending?
Stoicism teaches us everything must end. But the philosophy of the Stoics has enjoyed a cultural revival in the work of self-help gurus like Ryan Holiday, who has imparted ancient wisdom in his sessions with NFL coaches, hip-hop musicians, and Silicon Valley’s elite. In his new bestseller, Lives of the Stoics, Holiday shows how the life […]
Improve Your Self-Image
Often, we imagine that if we do everything perfectly, we can avoid blame, judgment, and shame. But the truth is that, more often than not, perfectionism makes us feel bad about ourselves. The best way to acknowledge your mistakes and imperfections is to practice self-compassion. Treat yourself the way you’d treat a good friend, offering the […]
What Is Warren Buffett’s Secret?
Warren Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway has the most expensive publicly traded stock in history. How did he reach that height? One step at a time. Buffett’s investment philosophy ranks patience, rationality, and honesty as the highest virtues. He says that a quickened pulse is a cause of major mistakes—and even self-delusion. Slow and steady wins […]
How to Stay Wealthy, No Matter What
People should make investment decisions based on their goals and the characteristics of investment options available to them. But economists have found that people’s investment decisions are heavily anchored to personal and generational experiences. That means your upbringing, social status, and other factors will shape how you choose to invest. While your background is sure to […]
Next Steps for the United States
The presidential election in the United States has made one thing very clear: the country’s political divide is even deeper than it was in 2016. What is the best way forward for Americans who want to work together? Veteran journalist Dan Rather argues that it requires honestly confronting what is wrong with the nation and […]
Are You Too Hard on Yourself?
It’s easier to accept imperfections in others than in ourselves. The most enlightened among us resist spiritual growth, even when we know it’s for the best. We all experience bouts of pettiness and moments of self-doubt and cowardice. It’s normal to feel jealous of other people’s good fortune, and lash out at loved ones at inopportune […]
How to Renew Your Focus
Are you finding that it’s more difficult than ever to clear your mind? You might want to try thinking like a monk. Monks try to live free of ego and strong emotions like envy, lust, anxiety, anger, and bitterness. An important step in reaching that goal is to let go of external influences and fears […]