Martin Luther King, Jr. was a famous proponent of peaceful protest. What many people don’t realize is that the civil rights leader took a long time to come around to recognizing nonviolent resistance as a powerful tool for social change. As a college student, King was skeptical of the power of love to cure social ills. He […]
Everyone Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt
For centuries, humans have operated under the notion that we are inherently selfish, violent, and evil. What if this belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy? We need to put the “kind” back in humankind. Author Rutger Bregman says that humans are in fact kind by nature. We are hardwired to do good. One problem is that […]
How to Build Value
To succeed on the job, a business professional needs to have enough marketing knowledge to reach customers, coworkers, and other stakeholders. But first and foremost, qualified pros needs to know how to market themselves so they can land the job. Every boss is betting their own financial success on choosing the right employees. That makes […]
Retire as a Millionaire
Contrary to popular belief, getting rich has less to do with how much money you make and more to do with how much money you spend. All you need to do is follow a simple formula: avoid debt, spend less than you earn, and invest the surplus. That’s it. If you’re already in debt, paying that off should […]
Focus on What You Have
Beliefs are very powerful. The Law of Attraction is a philosophy based on the idea that our life is shaped by thoughts. Positive thoughts bring positive experiences, and negative thoughts bring negative experiences. For every negative moment that you may encounter in life, you should have a positive response ready. For example, if you’re sick […]
Reframe Your Setbacks
The ancient Stoics knew that setbacks in life are inevitable. In fact, Stoics believed that setbacks were challenges from the gods to test their ability to deal with adversity. By viewing setbacks as tests of resilience and resourcefulness instead of sheer misfortune, Stoics stayed calm and happy in the face of adversity. Think of it this way: we can’t […]
Should We Legalize Heroin?
Should recreational drugs like heroin and cocaine be legalized? Dr. Carl L. Hart, a professor at Columbia University, makes a compelling case for decriminalization in Drug Use for Grown-Ups. The US government has been embroiled in the War on Drugs since the 1970s. But even with these expensive efforts, the number of Americans who use drugs has […]
Declutter Any Mess
You don’t need any new containers to get organized. In fact, you shouldn’t think of containers as organizers as all. Instead, think of them as devices to stop your clutter from spreading. Your home is itself a container—as are your closet shelves, your dresser drawers, and your kitchen cabinets. If you exceed the maximum number of […]
How to Stay Sharp
Great news from the forefront of neuroscience: brain decline and memory loss can be prevented, and even reversed. A gradual decline in the brain’s hardware is a normal part of the aging process. The organ shrinks, its folds become more prominent, and its blood vessels harden. But we can maintain (and in some cases, enhance) […]
Your Brain Is Like a Magnet
All the greatest thinkers, artists, and inventors have known about the Secret. Also known as the law of attraction, the Secret states that we control what happens to us with the power of thought. Think of yourself as a magnet who can attract—or repel—positive events or negative events. Your thoughts send powerful frequencies into the […]