A place of inspiration and learning, in record time.

The Rise of Fox News

It’s strange to think that, a little more than 25 years ago, the Fox News Channel didn’t yet exist. The network would go on to change televised news. But in October 1996, the new network had just been launched by Ailes, who ran it from the shadows. He quickly built the network’s credibility by hiring top […]

How to Live Honestly

For Laura McKowen, it was alcoholism. She battled her problem for decades before she won the war. People numb their feelings and escape from themselves in many other ways, whether it’s a vice, an addiction, or some other demon. McKowen thinks that we need to have more open, honest discussions, even though people tend to run from […]

Turn Your Financial Situation Around

We all make financial missteps. Self-made millionaire David Ramsey says that mistakes are understandable—just don’t let the same thing happen again. Ramsey should know. He was a millionaire when he lost everything in his twenties. He made his next million in his forties by imposing spending limits, eliminating debt, and saving as much as possible. […]

Forgive Your Haters

Don’t do it for them. Do it for yourself. It’s normal to feel anger and resentment towards the people who wrong us. But when those negative emotions haunt our thoughts and influence our behavior, it means we’re only operating through the pain they caused. You can break the chain by offering forgiveness instead of wasting […]

Don’t Blow Your Budget

Budgeting isn’t guesswork. To create a working budget, you need to figure out how much money you have, and then decide what to spend it on. Your plan should be based on the reality of your known expenses—not what-ifs or maybes. First identify your obligations. These are the things you have to spend money on, […]

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