Who needs an evil sidekick when our own brains can do our dirty work? Beneath conscious awareness, our brains are programmed to always make us act in our own best interest. In theory, you may want to be selfless and help others. But evolution has its own agenda for your survival and dominance. Basically, the […]
The Brainy Women Who Helped Win WW2
In the depths of World War II, when so many young men were fighting abroad, women across the United States began receiving clandestine letters from the Navy. The military was recruiting smart women who were good at math and languages. As long as they could protect classified information—and didn’t have family members in enemy territory—they […]
Who’s the Boss?
We’re seeing a lot of discussion about Elon Musk’s unique management style at Twitter. With billions of dollars riding on his social media experiment, one thing seems clear: the company’s performance depends on its leader. Plenty of people believe in Musk’s ability to make Twitter profitable. But the first few weeks have been rocky, to […]
When to Make it Personal
Strong traders have a specific approach to the stock market, and you need to find yours. Your methods should be compatible with your personality, and you might have to try more than one before you find the right fit. Along the way, you should keep a trading journal where you make notes about each trade […]
Is the Internet Making You Miserable?
In theory, technology should make us all feel more connected and close. It’s easy to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away, and to meet new people who share our interests instead of just geographical location. We can like and subscribe, swipe right, leave a comment, or post a photograph from […]
How to Execute in 7 Easy Steps
Strategy sessions are great. But it’s easy to get so caught up in the details that you neglect to really get the job done. For better or for worse, your capacity to execute can you set you apart from your business rivals. Execution is the main predictor of success among big and small companies. It’s […]
How to Build Your Own Personal Assistant
Our brains are good at lots of things. But they’re not great at managing knowledge. With so much information coming at us from all directions, we need a system for capturing—and retrieving—information that’s important. Productivity expert Tiago Forte developed his “second brain” note-taking system to help him manage a complicated medical condition. It’s a method […]
The First Black American Millionaire
In 1841, in New Orleans, William Alexander Leidesdorff passed as a white man. (His father was Jewish and his mother was Black.) When his fiancée learned his secret and called off their engagement, William sold everything he owned and bought a ship. He traveled to California to start a new life. On the West Coast, […]
Escaping the Parent Trap
The title of Jeanette McCurdy’s autobiography, I’m Glad My Mom Died, has raised some eyebrows since it was released in August. Partly a dark joke, and partly the truth, it was meant to be provocative. McCurdy knows firsthand how hard it is for children who were abused to express complicated and conflicting feelings about the parents […]
3 Steps to Financial Stability
If you’re just starting out, financial freedom may seem like an impossible dream. Our latest Instaread, which is designed for people in their 20s and 30s (or anyone who needs to make a fresh start), can help launch your financial security. The number one priority, especially for people in the United States, is to purchase […]