Personal boundaries help you have healthy relationships, and that includes your relationship with yourself. In The Book of Boundaries, Whole30 co-founder Melissa Urban offers a comprehensive guide to setting — and maintaining — good boundaries. Let’s take a look. Start with You Self-boundaries only depend on one person, which can be good or bad. Strategies from […]
5 steps to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s
Better lifestyle choices have been found to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s by more than 80 percent, postpone the onset of symptoms, and lessen the severity of changes in the brain. In High-Octane Brain, neuropsychologist Michelle Braun distills cutting-edge research into just five simple steps. Brain-Healthy Habits The High-Octane Brain program suggests five steps over a […]
9 steps to financial freedom
What’s your magic number? The best financial goal is to reach a point where you have enough money to live a peaceful and joyful life, instead of perpetually working to earn more. Our latest Instaread breaks down financial freedom into a nine-step program to save money with the aim of retiring early. Step 1: Analyze the […]
How to change minds
Fun fact: in the 1100s, most people believed that barnacle geese grew on trees. They never saw bird’s eggs because of migration, which was an unknown concept at the time. The myth persisted for nearly 500 years, when explorers finally found nesting sites. People Have Always Had Weird Beliefs A lot of commentators blame politics […]
Embrace the suck
“Embrace the suck.” If you’re not in the military, you may have never heard the expression. But you probably grasp its meaning: that leaning in to tough times can make you stronger. Life is like weightlifting in that sense. When you endure strain, you grow stronger. Stretch Goals You can train your mind to take […]
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose
As bosses, consultants, parents, and friends, we often find ourselves in the position to coach other people. In our latest Instaread, Marion Franklin, a certified professional life coach, runs through how to avoid common mistakes, stay focused on the person you’re coaching, ask great questions, and challenge common beliefs and ideas. How to Course Correct A […]
How to get what you deserve
With every breath, we become new versions of ourselves. Acknowledging this helps us put more emphasis on our present purpose instead of past accomplishments or some vague future goal. We achieve real fulfillment when the risks, choices, and efforts we make in each given moment align with a larger purpose in life. No Regrets Most […]
How to play the long game
Dr. Benjamin Hardy says that it’s so hard to imagine yourself years down the road that your future self is basically a stranger. We have to adjust our mindsets to compensate for this quirk of human psychology. Our latest Instaread can help you bridge the gap between your envisioned future and your current reality. Do […]
The secret to good parenting
We all want our kids to be happy. But no one’s happy all the time, so we need to choose a more realistic goal. By focusing on the skill of resiliency—the ability to cope with distress—we can help young people deal with stress, setbacks, and even failure. Bouncing Back You can’t shield your kids from […]
You’re More Creative Than You Think
Creativity isn’t just for artists; in fact, you can cultivate it just like you can learn a new language or instrument. Creative thinking can lead to new possibilities, greater courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. Cultivating this skill will increase your chances of performing well at work—and truly making a difference in the world. Practice […]