Make the Leap

It’s better to jump than to be pushed. At some point in life, everyone experiences a nagging feeling that something in their life needs to change. Maybe it’s a job. Maybe it’s a relationship. Steve Harvey, the comedian and television personality, says that if you aren’t proactive in making that change, the universe is likely to […]

Think Like a Stoic

It can be difficult to think clearly when you’re afraid. By accepting the inevitability of suffering and death, the Stoics were able to make rational decisions that were never clouded by fear. Based on the life and teachings of Marcus Aurelius, HOW TO THINK LIKE A ROMAN EMPEROR imparts ancient philosophy by way of modern […]

Weekend Wisdom – Get a Life

Pastor Rick Warren wants to help you. In THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, his book of evangelical Christian teachings, Warren describes a program of spiritual development that answers big-picture questions. One of Warren’s recommendations is to establish inner circles within large group settings. He’s specifically referring to church, pointing out that while the fellowship of a large […]

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